Town of Catharine
Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM;
Wednesday 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Address: 5182 Park Rd Odessa NY 14869 US
Phone: 607-594-2273
There will NOT be a Planning Board meeting on October 9, 2024.
A Joint Meeting and Public Hearing regarding the proposed Odessa Unified Fire District will be held on October 16th, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Odessa Montour High School Auditorium, 300 College Avenue, Odessa, New York. For more information, click the following link:
Proposed Fire District – Joint Public Hearing and Joint Meeting Notice
Catharine Tentative Assessment Roll
2023 Town of Catharine Final Assessment Roll
Local Law 2024-1-DRAFT- Noise Control
To Pay taxes online or check your payment status click the link below:
The Town of Catharine is working on revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. Here is a link to the rough draft for the proposed revised Zoning Law (sections that have been added or changed are in blue or red text):
Draft 2 of Town of Catharine Zoning Law
Draft of Proposed Revised Zoning Law 2023
Building Permits are a flat rate of $40.00 for projects $20,000 and under (includes labor and materials), and $2.00 per thousand for projects over $20,000 (includes labor and materials).
Single stream recycling is held at the Town of Catharine Highway Barns every Saturday from 9am-11am. Recycling is for residents of the Towns of Catharine, Montour, and Cayuta who live outside the Villages, and the residents of the Village of Odessa. Other village residents need to do their recycling curbside as set up by their Villages. All containers need to be rinsed clean before recycling. Recycling will not be held on: May 25, 2024, and August 31, 2024. Please, No large loads for recycling, only reasonable household size amounts will be accepted. Please click on the link below to see what is acceptable for recycling.
It is Illegal to plow snow or throw grass clippings into roadways. Please read the law below regarding NYS V&T law and fines that can be associated with violations.
Sub-division Application fee is $250.00
Zoning Board of Appeals fee is $125.00
Summer Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 6 am – 4:30 pm
Winter Hours:
Mon. – Fri. 7 am – 3:30 pm
The Clerk’s office is your source for Licenses of many types, including Marriage, Hunting/Fishing & Dog
We are also a location where you can find Historical Information.
We are trying to make it easier for you to connect with other governments that you might need. For those links, click the “Read More” box below